Sunday, September 20, 2015

One month in.

That was a pretty quick month.  Forced reflection time!

-found local grocery
-figured out garbage/recycling
-found good cheap local restaurants
-got phone and internet working
-cleaned apartment (soo much hair everywhere before)
-got a handle on the electronics mall
-got all classes rolling at a nice pace
-started extracurriculars (guitar, hw club)
-survived school open house
-annoyingly good start to fantasy football (for the other guys - I picked my team based on name suitability for a law firm, I have no idea what I'm doing)
-found big free tv on the street where somebody was throwing it away.  Heavy ass CRT.

Most annoying moment:
Various school related things I built up to be worse in my head than they ended up being.

Best moment:
Tired on subway going home.  60-70ish year old man comes up to me and asks if I'm American; when I say Canadian he is equally impressed and begins talking about how young Canadians came and died to help Korea, and how people won't forget that.  He said he was a senior high school teacher and that he knows I have a difficult job.  Warmly shakes my hand with one while grabbing my tricep with the other, then walks off down the train.

This week I'm acting as a chaperone on a school 3 night trip to Jeju island, the 'Hawaii of Korea'.  Sounds good, could be a ton of work.  We'll see.

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